1435 Morris Avenue - Suite 3A, Union, NJ 07083 Tim Haresign, President
Council Endorses Candidates for
November 2018 Elections
Urges Active Support for Key Candidates
These mid-term elections are perhaps the most critical in our nation’s history as they will determine whether the notorious Trump administration will have two more years to solidify its anti-higher education, anti-labor, anti-public employee, pro-corporate agenda. Whatever issues that concern you—support for public education, the fight for $15 per hour, universal affordable health care, student debt relief, women’s and civil rights, the Supreme Court etc. the choice could not be clearer.
New Jersey is a critical arena in this struggle because there are four Congressional districts where pro-labor Democrats are in a strong position to win Republican-controlled seats: Jeff Van Drew in District 2, Andy Kim in District 3, Tom Malinowski in District 7 and Mikie Sherrill in District 11.
Imagine the difference it would make on the national scene if New Jersey voters alone were responsible for flipping four Republican seats!
In District 5, one term Democratic incumbent Josh Gottheimer needs all the support he can get to retain his seat in a district that has leaned Republican in the past.
Furthermore, New Jersey has been blessed with incumbent Democratic Congresspersons including Don Norcross (District 1), Josh Gottheimer (District 5), Frank Pallone (District 6), Albio Sires (District 8), William Pascrell (District 9), Donald Payne (District 10), and Bonnie Watson-Coleman (District 12), with stellar voting records on legislation tracked by the AFT and the AFL-
CIO. They have also earned your vote.
Some may question our endorsement of Senator Menendez. Notwithstanding the corruption issues surrounding him, Bob Menendez has a solid record of supporting the legislative agenda of the American Federation of Teachers and National AFL-CIO. Unlike his Republican challenger, he can be counted on to defend Social Security and Medicare, support labor’s right to organize and bargain collectively and advocate for a tax system in which the wealthy and corporate elites pay their fair share. His progressive record on these and other issues extends back to his years in Congress and the New Jersey Legislature.
Risking the loss of a Democratic seat in the US Senate to a pro-Trump Republican is simply not an option. If you have any doubts, consider Menendez’s support for Obama’s Supreme Court nominations and his opposition to Trump’s.
As you can see, there are also some special legislative elections and many local races where you can make a difference.
Please know that all these candidates have been vetted and endorsed by the NJ AFL-CIO as well as AFT NJ State Federation and your Council of New Jersey State College Locals.